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2022年12月以降 視えたもの Dec 2022 onwards. prediction



ハワイで世界最大の活火山噴火 38年ぶり、住民に注意喚起











株については暴落が視えますので取引をしている人は注意しましょう。「BIG SHORT」のように空売りのタイミングを間違えなければ大きく稼げるチャンスでもあります。特に大手企業のまさかの倒産がありますので急落します。
















News for 29 November 2022.

World's largest active volcano erupts in Hawaii for first time in 38 years, residents warned

Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano on the US state of Hawaii, erupted late on 27 November for the first time in 38 years. Emergency response authorities are on alert as neighbouring residents may be affected. [AFP]

As I have been saying since last year, the fire gods are on the move.
We also see water disasters this year and next year, so we are paying attention to the movements of the undersea volcanoes.

Above all, I pray for the safety and security of the residents.

This is a zone where the Hawaiian god Pele lives. This god is a goddess.
She is passionate and jealous and explodes when she doesn't get her way.

Aside from that, Japan and Hawaii have deep ties. They may look different, but they were the same faith a long time ago.
I used to say that earthquakes and eruptions around the Gulf of Mexico have a big impact with Japan, and this eruption in Hawaii might be a signal to start. If you live in Latin America, please be very careful.

Volcanic eruptions in Japan are also a concern. What I see is an eruption of a submarine volcano in the seas around Japan. I do not see direct damage from volcanoes, but I do see direct damage from tsunamis, earthquakes and floods.

There is a lot of talk in various places about an eruption of Mt Fuji in July 2023. Fuji eruption in July 2023, but watch out for major disasters in September and October. You need to be careful all the way through the rainy season and beyond. By that time, there are other problems, so you may not pay attention to disaster prevention, but it may be good to keep it in mind.

Before a disaster strikes, there may be a flurry of earthquakes or wild animal activity may become erratic, so keep your senses alert. Especially today's people, including myself, have a dulled sense of these things, so please be aware of this.

The collapse of the monetary system, which I saw eight years ago, is also approaching.
The collapse of virtual currency happened recently. But what I have seen is the collapse of more major currencies.
I think we will see a new digital currency in the next year or so, so let's look at that. I believe this will be worth a lot. But the digital currency value will be the momentum of consolidation, so be careful with new things on a smaller scale, such as ico. This can also happen with analogue currencies. You cannot protect your assets if you only save domestically. It is a good idea to diversify widely.
Be careful if you are trading stocks, as a crash is possible. If you time your short-selling correctly, as in the case of the BIG SHORT, you could make a lot of money. Especially since there are unexpected bankruptcies of major companies, which can lead to a sharp fall.

As for property investment, I do not recommend it. This is a very big money (energy) move. Land prices will also fall. However, it is good if the property is something that will continue to generate money = something useful for people and nature. It is better not to just buy and sell, as in property investment. It is better if you can find added value that motivates you, but be sure to look at your luck when it comes to buying and selling.

Geopolitically, I see the use of nuclear weapons, but these will be tactical nuclear weapons. It is not a big one, but a small one. However, nuclear weapons are nuclear weapons and should not be used in a negative way, for example in a conflict. Except for positive use.
It is dangerous, for example, in areas where a sudden emergency evacuation has started. But the funny thing is that nobody saw the explosion - the images on TV are of a town in ruins from another conflict. The TV images are of a town in ruins from another conflict, in the countryside. Churches and plains can be seen. In other areas there may be biological attacks. Not much can be said about this, but be suspicious if there is an outbreak of gastrointestinal diseases. It is the same in all regions (of the world). I can see hypochlorite products selling particularly well, like face masks.

There is also a missile, but not nuclear, threat in Japan. I have been seeing people near the red brick warehouses as a precaution for the past nine years, but recently I have been seeing them again. Otaru, Hakodate, Yokohama, Kanazawa, Tsuruga, Handa, Maizuru, Osaka, Kobe, Himeji, Sumoto, Kure, Zentsuji, Sasebo.

We hear a lot about food crises these days, but Japan seems to be OK. There may be some impact, but compared to Europe, it is relatively unaffected. Stockpiling is also recommended, but a week's worth of food seems manageable. This is not a matter of running out of food, but an economic crisis of sorts. Agriculture, livestock farming and fishing - these are now systems that can only be viable if they rely on people from other economies. They rely on labour from other economies for a wide range of things, including seed, feed, oil and transport. This is caused by a lack of labour in those economies, and food itself can be produced in abundance all over the world. Be careful not to disturb your mind. It can be anything depending on your ingenuity. Refrain from hoarding and letting food rot in case of food shortages.
These are the 'super balances' I met with aliens and was taught. The ancients also said. Too much of a good thing is too much of a bad thing.

There will be great advances in the medical-pharmaceutical sector as good things. There may be good news on cancer. Moreover, Japan will make a major discovery or invention. But the honour will be taken abroad and people will say, "Was that Japanese technology?" So be careful about how you advertise and communicate about it, and be careful about contracts. This may be taken by force, but I believe that this will greatly change the air currents in Japan and the world, so it is important to stand your ground.

Archaeologists will also make some very good discoveries. It is something that will overturn our view of history. I can see researchers arguing with each other, but the archaeological community may become heated. Newly emerged islands, suddenly uplifted land, underground, etc. will be seen.

There will also be interesting information on aliens, unidentified flying objects and life.
When I asked him about it, he said that it would soon appear before the public in a way that everyone would know about, and reminded me that "it will appear when the time is right". But he also said that he would intervene if strategic nuclear weapons were used. He said that anything that breaks the superbalance will be stopped. I was told that this form of action has been carried out for a long time. A conversation with them is for another time…

This is a period of pessimistic events, but "when yin is extreme, it turns to yang". If we can maintain a moderate state of mind, we will have no difficulty.

The world's wheel of destiny seems to have begun to turn. From lion to bull. Please be as sturdy and large as a bull, and have a relaxed mind.

The future ahead is bright.









一白水星  ひとりよりも仲間 芽が出るとき。大きな変化を起こせる気運だが今一度足元をよく見て注意しながら進むこと。 あなたの周囲の環境はこれまでとは異なり、大きな変化を経験する可能性があります。その変 ...


翻訳 占いと聞くと眉唾物のイメージがありますが、それでいいと思います。 当たるも八卦と言われているように未来の事は誰にもわかりません。   しかし天地エネルギーの流れはわかります。それに伸る ...


使用頻度の高い真言や祝詞のまとめです。 マントラ(मन्त्र Mantra) 不動明王 酉年 Acalanatha Vidya-raja ナウマクサンマンダ バザラダンセンダ マカロシャダソワタヤ ...


各星の特徴は画像をクリックまたはタップして下さい。 悪い運気を好転させ良い運勢に、良い運勢をさらに良い運勢に上昇させることが出来る唯一の占術 九星気学とは 「気」の流れを根本としその計り知れない気力・ ...

-ひとりごと, 予言
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